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In addition to lameness and subclinical chronic pain that can lead to behavioral problems, or underperformance, there are other problems that might be lurking beneath the surface: 

  • undetected PPID ("Cushing's disease") is major factor in soft tissue injuries, contributes to weight loss, muscle loss, and subclinical laminitis

  • Vitamin E and/or selenium deficiency will lead to loss of topline muscles and lowers the horse's ability to fight off diseases and to recover from strenuous exercise

  • gastric and hind-gut ulcers are a common cause of lackluster performance, behavioral issues, and an inability to keep a healthy weight, which in turn reduces energy levels and can promote musculo-skeletal injuries

In addition to our regular Spring Special services we are offering the services listed below as part of our 2022 Performance Horse Package. They are offered a la carte, meaning that you schedule a soundness evaluation and then add on as few or as many of the other items as you wish, or as is appropriate for your horse's condition. If you sign up for the Performance Horse Package you will also secure a spot in our scoping clinic coming up on May 17th!

Limited number of appointments available. Performance Package Prices are only valid between March 14 and March 25, 2022
Regular Price
Performance Package Price
Soundness Evaluation
Lameness blocks (regional anesthesia used to pinpoint the source of a lameness)
$200 and up
10% off
Ultrasound (musculoskeletal)
$150 and up
10% off
Joint Injections
depends on number of joints injected and medications used
15% off
Legend injection
$117.20 - 20% off
Vitamin E and Selenium testing
PPID testing (TRH stim test)
FREE!!! *
Ultrasound (abdominal, hind gut screening)
15% off
Gastroscopy (May 17th, at RVC clinic)
50% off!

* as long as supplies last - limited number of tests available!


Heading back into the showring this year?

Make sure your horse is at the top of its game this show season!

2022 Performance Horse Package
March 14 - 25 ONLY!

Performance horses' needs differ from those of our trusty trail mounts or cute pasture potatoes. Let us help you get a good start to your training and show season by ensuring that whatever might be keeping your horse from performing at its best is found out now, rather than when you're in full training. Especially if a horse has had the winter (mostly) off, lameness and pain issues may not be very apparent when we first start them back in training. Give your athlete the "once-over", so that you know of any issues in time to make a treatment plan and ensure a successful show season! 

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