(315) 250-5938
Horse Medicine With A Passion!

With Dr. Dorothee's appointment as Assistant Professor at SUNY Canton will come some changes to how we have to manage our schedule.
Please read below how you can ensure continued care for your horse(s)
How is this going to work???
We are committed to continue serving our existing patients. The less time we spend on the road the more time we have available for patient care, so the #1 change will be that there will be fewer farm appointments available. PLEASE BRING YOUR HORSE TO US IF YOU CAN! Talk to us if you don't have a trailer, as we have contacts for people who trailer animals for others. If you have a trailer, but you horse doesn't load well, please consider signing up for our Trailer Loading Clinic featuring DJ Murtaugh of London, ON. Scheduling will vary depending on the academic calendar, but in-house appointment are generally preferred.​
Routine Appointments (Vaccinations, Dental Work etc.), Tuesdays through Fridays
You will drop off your horse(s) at the clinic between 9 and 11 am or after 12:30 pm. Our staff will get your animal(s) settled into one of our comfortable stalls. Please bring a hay bag for your equid to munch on while they wait. Our technicians will perform all routine procedures (most vaccinations, dental work, sheath cleanings), and Dr. Dorothee will round off the appointment with a general exam, a Coggins and Rabies (if requested), or taking care of any special requests and needs. such as lameness exams or VSMT. Pickup time is between 6 and 8 pm unless otherwise specified. Please check in with our office to make sure your animal is ready to be picked up before you leave home.
Advanced Appointments (Lameness Exams, Surgeries, Imaging etc.), Saturdays
Time permitting we may schedule routine appointments as well, but Saturdays will largely be reserved for procedures that take more time and require Dr. Dorothee to be present.
​​​​​Urgent Appointments (Sickness, Acute Lameness, mild to moderate Colic)
If Dr. Dorothee is teaching, patients with urgent needs will initially seen by our well trained technicians. Patients may be able to be seen on the farm, but again, you will often get seen more quickly if you can bring your animal to us. The technician will perform a full physical exam and, if needed, will draw bloodwork for additional testing. They will be able to communicate with Dr. Dorothee about what is going on with the patient, and together they will develop a treatment plan. If required Dr. Dorothee will see the patient as soon as possible, but many issues can be resolved by our staff (of course under the direction of Dr. Dorothee).
Rest assured that if your horse is experiencing a true emergency Dr. Dorothee will be able to leave class and come to the clinic or to your barn to take care of your animal!
What if my horse has an emergency???
Dr. Dorothee will be able to leave school and attend to emergencies if necessary. Most emergencies, including colics, can be trailered! Please have your trailer registered and your horse willing and able to load. Since the SUNY campus is less than 15 minutes from the clinic chances are Dr. Dorothee will meet you in the driveway if you can bring your horse to us!
Can I drop my trailer at the clinic?
Yes. Most times we should have room for 3 to 4 smaller trailers (2-3 horse) to be parked on our property. This may not be the case after significant amounts of snow fall, and we definitely request that your towing vehicle has 4-wheel drive. WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HELP YOU SHOULD YOU GET STUCK as we don't have any heavy equipment on site!
What if I have to cancel an appointment?
Life happens, we know that. But since our schedule is now tighter than ever please make sure you give us 24 hours advance notice if you can't keep your appointment. No-shows will be charged $50 and may be removed from our client list.
What about Spring Special? Is that still going to happen?
Yes, Spring Special will happen, but differently from previous year. We are already contacting our regular "Spring Special Crowd" for appointments, and will post more details about it as we get closer to it.